"Microbial culture media Company"
Bandio Co., Ltd. founded in 2017 based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of SPL Life Sciences
for 3 decades, is putting the devoted efforts to leap toward a global company contributing to Bio-Industry through
innovative technology and cutting-edge facilities
We have built up and are operating automated production facilities and quality control system,
which are compliant to the international standards as ISO13485 and GMP, in order to fulfill our managerial
objective; We manufacture competitive products that are reliable for global customers. We supply all products
promptly and stably to meet the customer’s requirement.”
We are willing to offer the best quality of products and services to our customers through; Clean rooms for all production
processes, Operation of specialized quality control and quality control manpower. Upholding strict quality standards
and differentiated equipments, Flexible manufacturing systems, R&D support in product development and improvement.
Bandio Co., Ltd. is growing up to a leading corporation in the bio industry and microbiological R&D field, expanding
the business area from microbial culture media to clinical plastic consumables with continuous investment and R&D