What is special about SPLPermea™ Bags?
- SPLPermea™ Bags are a cell culture device, designed to provide maximal oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange,
minimizing the acidification of culture medium. The bags are made of engineered membrane for better gas exchange,
compared to other existing cell culture devices (e.g. cell culture flask). With minimal medium evaporation and acidification,
both adhesion and suspension cells will grow effectively in large scale, suitable for industrial use. In addition, SPLPermea™ Bags are
provided with its uniquely designed rack for easier handling, unlike culture bags of other brands.
How are Immunoplates categorized?
- SPL Immunoplates can be categorized based on hydrophilic/hydrophobic property of the surface.
The surfaces are arranged in order of hydrophilic property, starting from Multibinding, Maxibinding, Medibinding, and Unibinding.
You can choose the adequate surface based on hydrophilic property that suits your coating material the most.
If you are not sure which surface is suitable for your coating material, or if this is your first time trying our immunoplate,
we recommend using Maxibinding surface. If Maxibinding is not appropriate, we would like you to try other types of surface to
find the most suitable one for your experiment.
What is special about 1.5ml Strip Tube?
- 1.5 ml Strip Tubes are composed of 6 microcentrifuge tubes connected physically in a row,
ideal for experiments requiring large sample number. The tubes in strip can be cut for individual use,
and applicable to centrifugation. It is worth noting that the strip may not be applicable to some rotors for centrifugation
(applicable to most 24-, 30- hole rotors, and some 18-hole rotor).
We recommend you to confirm rotor applicability before of your actual experiments.
What is the lowest temperature allowable for SPL Cryovials?
- SPL Cryovials can be stored in vapor-phase nitrogen (approximately -200℃)
Are all the SPL products autoclavable?
- SPL only provides guarantee for products labeled “Autoclavable”.
Generally polypropylene (PP) and polycarbonate (PC) are autoclavable, but we still do not guarantee for
any deformation and/or degradation following repeated autoclaving.
What is the shelf life of SPL products?
- Shelf life of our products can vary depending on type of surface treatment, and sterilization method.
General shelf life information is as below.
Sterile products: 5 years for Gamma/E-beam irradiated products, 3 years for E.O gas sterilized products
SPLCoat™: Defined shelf life according to each coating substance (refer to the product page)
Immunoplates: recommended to be used within 3 years
Shelf life of any products with unspecified shelf life: 5 years
How can I receive the SPL Catalogue?
- Continuously updated electronic version of catalogue can be downloaded via the link below.
The hard copy version of our catalogue can be delivered upon request, via post or directly by our sales personnel.
Account Information
- 기업은행 (Corporate bank): 027 - 085570 - 01 -010
국민은행 (Kookmin Bank): 607337 - 01 - 000437
Account holder: ㈜ 에스피엘
Please contact us for tax invoice